Are Dental Implants Right For Me?

Are you missing one or more teeth?

If the answer is yes, then it may be time to start exploring some of our tooth replacement options. Missing teeth can have a negative impact on your dental health and your social life. Many say the smile is one of the first features other people notice. When your smile is unsightly, it can affect the way others interact with you. In terms of dental health, even when you lose one tooth, it can cause a domino effect of oral health issues. As a result of tooth loss, you can experience bone density loss, gum disease, oral infection, and additional tooth loss. Not only is replacing lost teeth an essential part of restoring your smile, but it is also an important part of improving your oral health.

One of the most common solutions for missing teeth is dental implants. Implants are small titanium post that is surgically placed into the jaw bone. A dental implant is designed to replace the tooth root and support a prosthetic tooth. The type of restoration you will receive will depend on the number and location of missing teeth. Herndon, VA dentist Dr. Jefferies and our team can work with you to determine if dental implants are right for you.

Candidacy For Dental Implants

To determine if dental implants are the right solution for you, it is imperative that you undergo an implant consultation. During your consultation, we can asses the overall condition of your dental health and recommend the best treatment options for you. While dental implants can be an excellent option for many patients, they are not ideal for everyone.

If any of the following conditions apply, you may want to speak with our team to explore other tooth replacement options.

  • Poor gum health: Ideally, patients with periodontal disease are not the best candidates for the implant procedure. It is important to have strong, healthy gums to help support the implant post.
  • Existing medical conditions: It is ideal to be in overall good health to receive the implant procedures. Of course, this will vary from patient to patient. We can work with you to explore your treatment options.
  • Smoking and tobacco use: Smoking can negatively impact the results of the implant procure. Be sure to speak with your doctor about ways to quit.
  • Bone loss: Having an adequate amount of healthy bone structure only adds the chances of a successful dental implant procedure. If you don’t have a sufficient amount of healthy bone structure, we may recommend bone grafting to help increase your chance of a successful implant procedure.

Schedule An Implant Consultation

If you would like to learn more about dental implants in Herndon, VA, visit Dr. Jefferies for a consultation. Our dental care team can work with you to find the best solution for your missing teeth. If you would like to schedule an appointment, contact us or request an appointment online.

We can’t wait to meet you

Call (703) 793-1771 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.